


2021 年 3 月 5 日


  1. 氏名:山口拓哉


  1. 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年:工学系研究科システム創成学専攻修士2年


  1. 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明:



  1. 受賞された研究・活動について:



  1. 今後の抱負・感想等:



【受賞/表彰等】柴崎研究室の安田さん(修士1年),Murongさん・中島さん(修士2年)が参加したチームがthe first United Nations AIS Big Data Hackathonにおいて学生1位を獲得しました。

【受賞/表彰等】柴崎研究室の安田さん(修士1年),Murongさん・中島さん(修士2年)が参加したチームがthe first United Nations AIS Big Data Hackathonにおいて学生1位を獲得しました。


2020 年 9 月 22 日

安田広大・Liwen Murong・中島陽斗

2.学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年

(名称)1st place in All-Student Teams at the first United Nations AIS Big Data Hackathon





【Awards and Commendations】The team in which Kodai Yasuda(M1), Liwen Murong and Minato Nakashima(M2) from Shibasaki Lab received 1st place in the category All-Student Teams at the first United Nations AIS Big Data Hackathon.

==Award date==
2020 年 9 月 22 日

Kodai Yasuda, Liwen Murong, Minato Nakashima

2.Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
(Kodai Yasuda) M1 student, Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering
(Liwen Murong & Minato Nakashima) M2 student, Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering

3.Name of award and short explanation about the award
(Name) 1st place in All-Student Teams at the first United Nations AIS Big Data Hackathon
(Explanation) Participating in the AIS Bigdata Hackathon hosted by United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and achieving the 1st place among 17 all-student teams.

4.About awarded research
AIS Hackathon is a three-day event, focusing on exploring novel findings by using 3.6TB AIS data. AIS data is collected by equipment installed in ships, consisting of static information, such as total weight of ships and built year, and dynamic information collected every few seconds or minutes, such as speed and destination. All members including Mr. Hoshi Tagawa (Tokyo Tech) and Mr. Takumi Kamata (Hirosima Univ.) from our research team are conducting AIS-related research. During AIS Hackathon, the influence of COVID-19 on vessel movement is revealed. Based on findings from various perspectives, we are able to win the first place among all-student teams.

5.Your impression & future plan
This award is an impetus for us to continue doing our best in the following research.
Thank Prof. Shibasaki for encouraging us to participate in this event and supporting us during the event.



【受賞/表彰等】高橋研究室の瀋顧韜、厳思信、王越、佟驍航、森島拓生が2020年度「IHI/SAMPE Japan 学生ブリッジコンテスト(IHI杯)」で優勝しました。

【受賞/表彰等】高橋研究室の瀋顧韜、厳思信、王越、佟驍航、森島拓生が2020年度「IHI/SAMPE Japan 学生ブリッジコンテスト(IHI杯)」で優勝しました。


1.⽒名:   瀋 顧韜、厳 思信、王 越、佟 驍航、森島 拓生

2.研究科、専攻等と学年: システム創成学専攻・修士2年・修士1年・学部4年

3.受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明: 2020年度「IHI/SAMPE Japan 学生ブリッジコンテスト(IHI杯)」優勝(世界大会への出場権獲得)

4.受賞された研究・活動について: 規定荷重に耐える最も軽量なCFRPブリッジの作成.

5.今後の抱負・感想等: この度、このような賞をいただき大変光栄に思います。今回の受賞にあたり開催、運営を行ってくださった方々、また様々なサポートをしてくださった研究室の方々に深く感謝いたします。今後は、来年アメリカで予定されている世界大会に向けてさらに設計と成形技術に磨きをかけ、チーム一丸となってたたかい、世界大会でトップ3位に入りたいと思います。引き続き応援どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございました。

【Awards and Commendations】Gutao Shen, Sixin Yan, Yue Wang, Xiaohang Tong, and Takumi Morishima (M2/M1/B4, Takahashi lab.) received Best Bridge Award (First Price of Category B) of 2020 IHI/SAMPE Japan Student Bridge Contest

1.Name: Gutao Shen, Sixin Yan, Yue Wang, Xiaohang Tong, and Takumi Morishima

2.Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major: Department of Systems Innovation, M2/M1/B4

3.Name of award and short explanation about the award:Best Bridge Award (First Price of Category B) of 2020 IHI/SAMPE Japan Student Bridge Contest

4.About awarded research: Using carbon fiber composite materials to build the lightest bridge with a certain load-carrying capacity.

5.Your impression & future plan: It is with great privilege and honor that we have received the award twice with our delicate optimization and full preparations since last year. And at the same time, we also want to congratulate the IHI Corporation and The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), and Takahashi Lab of the University of Tokyo for their great work of organizing and making this event possible. Furthermore, we must express our sincere gratitude in particular to our supervisors Prof. Takahashi and Dr. Ice, as well as all the lab members who have provided us with enormous help from many perspectives. In the near future, the world tournament of this contest will be held in the U.S.A. in 2021, and our team share a common goal of ranking top 3 in the world final. For achieving this ambition, not only shall we continuously improve our skills in design and fabrication, but also the power from every each one of you who support us is indispensable. We again truly appreciate for the help and support from you that encourage us to move forward.



1. 氏名
2. 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等と学年
3. 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明
4. 受賞された研究・活動について
5. 今後の抱負・感想等

【Awards and Commendations】 Tomoya Kawasaki received Best Paper Award of Japan Logistics Society at Japan Logistics Society.

1. Name
Tomoya Kawasaki
2. Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation
3. Name of award and short explanation about the award
Japan Logistics Society (JLS) consists of 464 academics and practitioners from the fields of commerce, economics, and engineering. This award is given for one of the members of JLS who published the most outstanding paper for establishing academics of the logistics study. In this year, our paper entitled “An empirical analysis on the Japanese regional container port policy focusing port incentive-subsidies” published in the Journal of JLS is awarded as the best paper of the year.

4. About awarded research
The awarded paper conducts an empirical analysis of the effect of port incentive-subsidies provided for shippers and/or shipping lines using various data of Japanese container ports. In this paper, we identified the amount of incentive-subsidies has no significant impact on container volume handled in the local ports and its feeder routes.

5. Your impression & future plan
In this paper, we address the impact of incentive-subsidies on container volume at the port but also detail analysis on feeder shipping route. This is one of the original and prominent points of our paper and is highly evaluated by the JLS committee members. I consider that it is important to discuss port policy from the viewpoint of value-added trade (i.e. value chain) and fostering export industries. We would like to pursue ideal logistics systems for our society considering these points in my laboratory.

【受賞/表彰等】髙橋研究室の松田久輝、瀋顧韜、吳昊、Johan Friemannが先端材料技術協会から「奨学賞」を受賞しました。

【受賞/表彰等】髙橋研究室の松田久輝、瀋顧韜、吳昊、Johan Friemannが先端材料技術協会から「奨学賞」を受賞しました。




  1. 氏名: 松田 久輝、瀋 顧韜、吳 昊、Johan Friemann
  2. 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年: 工学系研究科システム創成学専攻 修士2年生
  3. 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明: 


  4. 受賞された研究・活動について:


  1. 今後の抱負・感想等



【Awards and Commendations】 Hisaki Matsuda, Gutao Shen, Hao, Wu, Johan Friemann (M2, Takahashi lab.) received Encouraging Prize of SAMPE Japan.

  1. Name:Hisaki Matsuda, Gutao Shen, Hao Wu, Johan Friemann
  2. Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major: Department of Systems Innovation, M2

  3. Name of award and short explanation about the award:

Encouraging Prize of SAMPE Japan

  1. About awarded research:Best Bridge Award (First Price of Category B) of IHI/SAMPE Japan Student Bridge Contest
  1. Your impression & future plan

It is with great privilege and honor that we have received the award and got qualified for the international student bridge contest in US. First of all, we would like to congratulate the IHI Corporation and The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE) for their great work of organizing and making this event possible. Furthermore, we must express our sincere gratitude in particular to our supervisors Prof. Takahashi and Dr. Ice, as well as all the lab members who have provided us with enormous help from many perspectives. Unfortunately, the international student bridge contest which should have been held in the US in May 2020, has already been canceled due to Covid-19 but our team will still make full preparations and wait for its reopening. For achieving our ambition, not only shall we continuously improve our skills in design and fabrication, but also the power from every each one of you who support us is indispensable. We again truly appreciate for the help and support from you that encourage us to move forward.

【受賞/表彰等】柴沼一樹准教授が日本計算力学連合よりThe JACM Young Investigator Awardを受賞しました。/【Awards and Commendations】 Kazuki Shibanuma received The JACM Young Investigator Award  from Japan Association for Computational Mechanics (JACM).

【受賞/表彰等】柴沼一樹准教授が日本計算力学連合よりThe JACM Young Investigator Awardを受賞しました。



  1. 氏名: 柴沼一樹
  2. 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年: 工学系研究科システム創成学専攻 准教授
  3. 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明: The JACM Young Investigator Award(計算力学分野で顕著な業績及び研究を行った40才以下の研究者に与えられる)
  4. 受賞された研究・活動について:


  1. 今後の抱負・感想等



【Awards and Commendations】 Kazuki Shibanuma received The JACM Young Investigator Award  from Japan Association for Computational Mechanics (JACM).

  1. Name: Kazuki Shibanuma
  2. Department: Department of Systems Innovation
  3. Name of award and short explanation about the award:

The JACM Young Investigator Award(An award given to researchers under the age of 40 who have showed outstanding achievements in the computational mechanics)

  1. About awarded research

Proposal of innovative numerical models for quantitatively explaining/evaluating complicated fracture phenomena in solids and structures

  1. Your impression & future plan

I would like to continue high-quality research activities in the engineering with both academic and practical value.

【受賞/表彰等】柴崎研究室出身の金本啓さん(2019年度修士課程修了)他が執筆した論文が国際海運経済学会(International Association of Maritime Economists)年次大会においてMaritime Economics & Logistics Best Conference Paper賞を受賞しました。

【受賞/表彰等】柴崎研究室出身の金本啓さん(2019年度修士課程修了)他が執筆した論文が国際海運経済学会(International Association of Maritime Economists)年次大会においてMaritime Economics & Logistics Best Conference Paper賞を受賞しました。

2020年 6月 13日

1. 金本啓(a)・Murong Liwen(b)・中島陽斗(b)・柴崎隆一(c)

2. (a) 工学系研究科システム創成学専攻2019年度修士課程修了
    (b) 同修士2年
 (c) 工学系研究科レジリエンス工学研究センター/技術経営学専攻准教授(システム創成学専攻兼担)

3. 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明
 国際海運経済学会(International Association of Maritime Economists: IAME)は海運・海事・港湾に関する研究者,実務家,コンサルタント,行政担当者など約500名が参加する学会であり,今年の年次大会は香港科学技術大学がホストとなり,COVID-19感染拡大のため,オンラインにて6/10-13に開催され,約220件の発表がありました.最終日に,合計4件の学会賞の発表があり,柴崎研究室からエントリーした論文「Can Maritime Big Data be Applied to Shipping Industry Analysis? – Focusing on Commodities and Vessel Size of Dry Bulk Carriers」が,表記の賞を受賞しました.

4. 受賞された研究・活動について

5. 今後の抱負・感想等

日本海事新聞 (2020/6/24掲載)

【Awards and Commendations】Kei Kanamoto (graduated in March 2020) and other authors received Maritime Economics & Logistics Best Conference Paper Award at Annual Conference of International Association of Maritime Economists.

1. Kei Kanamoto(a), Liwen Murong(b), Minato Nakashima(b), and Ryuichi Shibasaki(c)

2. (a) Department of Systems Innovation (Graduated in March 2020), Graduate school of Engineering
    (b) M2 student, same as above
    (c) Associate Professor, Resilience Engineering Research Center, Department of Techonology Management for Innovation (TMI)

3. Name of award and short explanation about the award
International Association of Maritime Economists (IAME) is an association that not only researchers, but practitioners, consultants, and governmental officers on the maritime shipping and logistics field join. This year’s annual conference was held online on June 10 to 13, hosted by Hong Kong Polytechnic University, having more than 220 presentations. The paper “Can Maritime Big Data be Applied to Shipping Industry Analysis? – Focusing on Commodities and Vessel Size of Dry Bulk Carriers” submitted from Shibasaki Lab was awarded “Maritime Economics & Logistics Best Conference Paper Award” as one of the four best papers of the conference.

4. About awarded research
The paper is based on the Master thesis that Mr. Kanamoto, the first author of this paper, submitted at the end of last fiscal year. First, the global cargo flows shipped by dry bulk carriers were estimated on a port-basis by commodity including iron ore, coal, grain, fertilizer, and iron and steel. Subsequently, the vessel type selection model was developed by commodity, considering the difference in the effect of each variable, such as trade volume, shipping distance, draught limitation of export and import ports, and size limitation to transit canals, then applied to forecast the future shipping demand by vessel type.
5. Your impression & future plan
The Automatic Identification System (AIS) data, which records the movements of all kinds of vessels over a certain size, is a big data in the maritime shipping field; however, the cargo information are not included. This paper enabled to estimate the cargo flow by combining other available information. We consider that the novelty and innovativeness of our approach was proved by this award, which will encourage the advancement of our research further. (Ryuichi Shibasaki)

The Japan Maritime Daily (24th/June/2020)

【受賞/表彰等】西林研究室の戸田広樹さん(D2)が第13回 GSC Student Travel Grant Awardを受賞しました。

【受賞/表彰等】西林研究室の戸田広樹さん(D2)が第13回 GSC Student Travel Grant Awardを受賞しました。


2020 年 4 月 11 日

  1. 戸田 広樹
  2. 工学系研究科 システム創成学専攻 博士2年
  3. GSC Student Travel Grant Award:グリーンサステイナブルケミストリー(GSC)の分野で優れた研究を行っている日本の大学院生を表彰するものです。加えて、学生が「GSC 国際会議」又は「GSC アジア・オセアニア会議」に参加して国際的経験の中で GSC への理解を深めるようにその参加費用の一部を副賞にて援助する賞です。


  1. ルテニウム分子触媒を用いた触媒的なアンモニア酸化反応
  2. 今回の受賞を大変光栄に思っております。今後も慢心せず、研究に精進して参りたいと思います。



【Awards and Commendations】Hiroki, Toda (D2) received 13th GSC Student Travel Grant Award.

  1. Hiroki Toda
  2. School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, D2
  3. GSC Student Travel Grant Award: Award to graduate students for outstanding research.
  4. Ruthenium-catalyzed oxidative conversion of ammonia into dinitrogen.


  1. I am very honored to receive this award. I will continue to do my best in research.




【受賞/表彰等】川畑研究室の小菅寛輝さん(M2)の激震時構造物健全性に関する研究内容がMaterial and Design誌に掲載され、Advances in Engineering社(カナダのリサーチ会社)のFeatured papersとしてウェブサイトにて紹介されました。

【受賞/表彰等】川畑研究室の小菅寛輝さん(修士2年)の激震時構造物健全性に関する研究内容がMaterial and Design誌に掲載され、Advances in Engineering社(カナダのリサーチ会社)のFeatured papersとしてウェブサイトにて紹介されました。

論文掲載(Material and Design) 2019 年 10 月 8 日
AIE社のWebサイトに掲載 2020 年 5 月 1 日

1. 小菅寛輝
2. システム創成学専攻 修士2年
3. Advances in Engineering社”Featured Papers”に選定されました。AIEは全工学分野における主要な国際学術誌から特に優れた研究論文を取り上げて、自社のウェブサイトで紹介しています。選考委員は世界のトップ大学の副学長や学部長、著名な学術誌の編集委員長などで構成されており、工学の全分野から1週間あたり20報の論文 (全出版数の0.1%以下) が選ばれます。AIEは世界の民間企業にその研究成果の概要を知らせ、コンサルティングやマッチングを行なっているため、今後の国際共同研究への発展が期待されます。


Material and Design誌

Advances in Engineering社(カナダのリサーチ会社)のFeatured papers

  1. 地震や波浪による構造物の損傷について新しい材料損傷則を考案した。実際に地震による揺れを模擬した予ひずみを再現し破壊試験を行うことで、地震時に材料がどのように損傷を受けるのかを調査した。脆性破壊のマイクロメカニズムに基づき結晶塑性の有限要素法解析を実施することでこれまで未解明であった材料損傷メカニズムを明らかにした。更に材料が破壊に至る限界破壊条件に対して、予ひずみが及ぼす影響ついての調査を行いこれまで統一的に整理されていなかった限界応力の整理について新しいモデルを提唱した。


  1. 地震大国である日本では、地震による構造物の損傷は避けては通ることのできない問題である、構造物をより安全に取り扱うためには損傷則に関する更なる研究が必要である。今後は更に複雑な状況下における損傷則やミクロ組織による損傷則の変動などに焦点を当てて研究を行い、構造物の健全性に関する研究を発展させていきたい。

【Awards and Commendations】A paper authored by Hiroaki Kosuge, 2nd grade of Master course, was published in Materials and Design and it was picked up as a Featured Paper in Advances in Engineer (Canadian research company).

  1. Hiroaki Kosuge
  2. Department of Systems Innovation, second year master’s student
  3. A paper (which has been published in Materials and Design) authored by Hiroaki Kosuge was selected as a “Featured Paper” by Advances in Engineering, AIE features particularly outstanding research papers from leading international journals in all engineering disciplines and presents them on its website. The selection committee consists of vice-presidents and deans of the world’s top universities and the editorial boards of prominent journals, and 20 papers per week (less than 0.1% of the total number of publications) will be selected from all fields of engineering, and the AIE will disseminate the results of its research to private companies around the world and provide consulting and matching services, which is expected to lead to future international collaborations.


URL: Material and Design

Advances in Engineering, Featured papers



  1. A new material damage estimation rule was devised for the damage of structures by earthquakes and waves. This paper investigates how materials are damaged in an earthquake by reproducing prestrain which simulates shaking by an earthquake and carrying out a fracture test. By carrying out the finite element method analysis of crystal plasticity based on the micro mechanism of brittle fracture, the material damage mechanism which has not been clarified until now was discovered. In addition, this paper investigates the effect of prestrain on the critical fracture condition of material which leads to brittle fracture, and proposes a new model on the arrangement of the critical stress which has not been unified until.
  2. In Japan, which is an earthquake-prone country, it is necessary to conduct further research on the damage law in order to handle structures more safely. In the future, we would like to focus on the damage law under more complicated conditions and the fluctuation of the damage law due to microstructure, and develop the research on the soundness of structures

【受賞/表彰等】鈴木(克)研究室のCem Guzelbulutさん(D1)がIBRSP2020 (International Research Forum on Biomechanics of Running-specific Prostheses)においてFirst place Students Poster Awardを受賞しました。

【受賞/表彰等】鈴木(克)研究室のCem Guzelbulutさん(D1)がIBRSP2020 (International Research Forum on Biomechanics ofRunning-specific Prostheses)においてFirst place Students Poster Awardを受賞しました。 ==受賞日== 2020 年2 月 20 日 氏名:Cem Guzelbulut 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年:システム創成学専攻博士1年 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明:IBRSP2020 First place Students Poster Award(Student Poster の一等賞) 受賞された研究・活動について Effect of Shape and Stiffness of the Prosthesis on Running 今後の抱負・感想等:It is honor for me to receive such an award. I will do my best in my research.   【Awards and Commendations】Guzelbulut, Cem (D1) received First place Students Poster Award at IBRSP2020(International Research Forum on Biomechanics of Running-specific Prosthesis. Name: Cem Guzelbulut Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major: School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, D1 Name of award and short explanation about the award:IBRSP2020 First Place Students Poster Award About awarded research:Effect of Shape and Stiffness of the Prosthesis on Running Your impression & future plan:It is honor for me to receive such an award. I will do my best in my research.