【受賞・表彰等】鳥海研 武田 惇史さん(M1)が、Tenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC 2019)Werewolf League 1位入賞をされました。

【受賞・表彰等】鳥海研 武田 惇史さん(M1)が、Tenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC 2019)Werewolf League 1位入賞をされました。 ==受賞日== 2019年8月14日 1.氏名 :武田 惇史 2.学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年 工学系研究科システム創成学専攻 鳥海研究室 修士1年 3.受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明 Tenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC 2019) Werewolf League 1位入賞 4.受賞された研究・活動について コミュニケーションゲーム「人狼」をプレイする人工知能(=人狼知能)の強さを競うコンペティション。 強い人狼知能の作成には、相手が隠している情報の推測や、嘘をついたり説得したりという複雑なコミュニケーションを可能とするAI技術が必要である。 5.今後の抱負・感想 このような素晴らしいコンペティションを開催、運営して頂いた人狼知能プロジェクトの皆様やANAC2019のオーガナイザー、その他関係者の方々にお礼申し上げます。 記念すべき第1回国際人狼知能大会で優勝することができて大変光栄に思います。来年以降も優勝できるよう頑張りたいと思います。   【Awards and Commendations】Atsushi Takeda(M1), Toriumi Labo, won 1st place of Werewolf League of the Tenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition (ANAC 2019). 1. Name:Atsushi Takeda 2. Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) /Major Year:(B4, M1, M2, D1, D2, D3) M1, Department of System Innovation,School of Engineering,Toriumi Laboratory 3.Name of award and short explanation about the award Tenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC 2019) Werewolf League 1st place 4.About awarded research In this competition, participants competes the strength of artificial intelligence which plays the communication game “WereWolf”. Creating strong agents requires AI technology that enables complex communication such as guessing information hidden by the other player and lying or persuading them. 5.Your impression & future plan I would like to thank the aiwolf-project, the organizer of ANAC2019, and other related people who have held and operated such a wonderful competition. I am very honored to be able to win the first international aiwolf competition. I will do my best to win the championship next year too.




日時: 2019年11月22日13:00-
会場: 東京大学本郷キャンパス 工学部3号館422・423・424会議室
・13:00-14:30 第一部(各研究室の大学院生による研究紹介)
・14:30-14:40 休憩
・14:40-16:10 第二部(OB/OGによる現在取り組んでいることの紹介)
・16:10-17:00 懇談会





専攻長 和泉潔
企画 青山和浩、合田隆、川畑友弥、藤井秀樹

本件のお問い合わせは専攻HP 問い合わせフォーム よりお願い致します。

“Systems innovation academic networking”

We hereby announce the event “Systems innovation academic networking”, which will be held on 22 November. This event will provide you with an opportunity to make academic networking between current graduate students and alumni of the department. The detail of the event is as follows.

Date: From 1pm to 5pm, 22 November 2019.
Venue: Rooms 422/423/424, 3rd Eng. Bld.
・13:00-14:30 Part I (Research presentation by current graduate students)
・14:30-14:40 Short break
・14:40-16:10 Part II(Ongoing activity presentation by alumni)
16:10-17:00 Informal gathering for discussions

In Part I, you, current graduate students, will give poster presentation on your research (or on research activity in your laboratory). More than 2 graduate students (mainly M1 students) from each laboratory are encouraged to join the event and give poster presentations/listen to presentations from other laboratories. Please deepen your understanding on research activities in the whole department. Your presentation to alumni is to show them recent research updates. (Here, the maximum size of poster is one piece of A1, that is, 8 pieces of A4. You can use your laptop alternatively, although using a projector is not allowed.)

In Part II, alumni will give poster presentations on their ongoing activities. Since this part will be helpful for you to think about your future career, you are encouraged to interact with as many alumni as possible.

Due to the limited capacity of the venue, some laboratories are not assigned to give presentations. Even so, you are encouraged to join the event and make academic networking. (Please contact your supervisor about whether your laboratory is assigned to give presentations or not.)

On behalf of all the staff in the department, we are looking forward to your participation and presentation.

Kiyoshi Izumi (Head of Department)
Kazuhiro Aoyama, Takashi Goda, Tomoya Kawabata, Hideki Fujii (Organizers)

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.