【受賞/表彰等】宮本研究室の清水雄太さん(M1)が32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS)においてModi Memorial Jaya-Jayant Awardを受賞しました。
- 氏名
- 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年
工学系研究科システム創成学専攻 M1
- 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明
Modi Memorial Jaya-Jayant Award
本賞は長きに渡ってISTSの学生セッションに貢献したカナダのBritish Columbia大学 故Prof. V.J. Modi が存命中に、学生の育成奨励のために設立された名誉ある賞とのことです。
- 受賞された研究・活動について
“Influence of Lossy Compression on Optical Images of Martian Satellites and C-type Asteroids”
- 今後の抱負・感想等
【Awards and Commendations】Yuta SHIMIZU (M1) received Modi Memorial Jaya-Jayant Award at 32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science (ISTS).
- Name
- Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
1st year of Master’s course of Department of Systems Innovation,
School of Engineering
- Name of award and short explanation about the award Modi Memorial Jaya-Jayant Award
An honorable award for developing and encouraging students established by the late Prof. V.J. Modi of the University of British Columbia in Canada, who had largely contributed to the student session of ISTS for many years.
- About awarded research
“Influence of Lossy Compression on Optical Images of Martian Satellites and C-type Asteroids”
The study for establishing the method to determine the best compression ratio of high-resolution images in space exploration missions which has the limitation of the transmission rate.
- Your impression & future plan
Thanks to the great help of the members of my laboratory, I was able to win this prize. I really appreciate their support. I will keep working hard on my research.