【受賞/表彰等】和泉研究室の平野正徳さん(M1)がTenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC 2019)Supply Chain Management LeagueStandard Track 及び Collusion Trackの2部門で優勝しました。
【受賞/表彰等】和泉研究室の平野正徳さん(M1)がTenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC 2019)Supply Chain Management LeagueStandard Track 及び Collusion Trackの2部門で優勝しました。
平野正徳 (筆頭)
2.学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年
大学院工学系研究科システム創成学専攻 修士課程1年
Tenth International Automated Negotiating Agents Competition 2019 (ANAC
2019)Supply Chain Management LeagueStandard Track及びCollusion Track 1位入賞
今年から新しく開催されたSupply Chain ManagementLeagueの2つのTracksで優勝できて、大変光栄です。
Masanori HIRANO
2.Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering
3.Name of award and short explanation about the award
Winners (1st place) of Standard and Collusion Tracks in Supply Chain
Management League of the Tenth International Automated Negotiating
Agents Competition (ANAC 2019)
4.About awarded research
This competition aimed to maximize the profits of agents which imitate
factories in a supply chain. In this competition, the agents have to
negotiate with others to buy materials and sell products and schedule
their production automatically.
5.Your impression & future plan
This league was held for the first time this year, and I was very
honored to win the two tracks. Thank you for the organizers and all the
people involved. This competition and league will also be held in the
next year, so I try to do my best to win the next league.