【受賞/表彰等】高橋研究室のBing Xiaoさん(D3)が SAMPE(先端材料技術協会)奨学賞を受賞しました。
1.⽒名: Bing Xiao
2.研究科、専攻等 と 学年: システム創成学専攻・博士3年
3.受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明: SAMPE Japan 奨学賞(先端材料技術協会の日本ブランチで年に1名選ばれる最優秀学生賞)
4.受賞された研究・活動について: リサイクル炭素繊維の多様な応用展開を目指した不連続炭素繊維強化熱可塑性樹脂の製造法と力学特性の改善
5.今後の抱負・感想等: このような名誉ある賞を賜りましたことを大変光栄に思います。今回の受賞にあたり、日頃からご指導を賜りました高橋先生ならびに支えて下さった研究室の皆様に厚く御礼を申し上げます。モノのAI化・電動化・共有化が急加速する中、優れた新素材が新たなサービス創出の可能性を広げる未来社会のニーズに応えるべく、今後も新たな先進複合材料とその社会実装技術の研究開発を進めていきたいと考えています。
1.Name: Bing Xiao
2.Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major: Department of Systems Innovation, D3
3.Name of award and short explanation about the award: SAMPE Japan Scholarship Award (Best Student Award: Japan branch of advanced materials technology association selects only one student per year)
4.About awarded research: Improvement of manufacturing methods and mechanical properties of discontinuous carbon fiber reinforced thermoplastics aiming to various application expand of recycled carbon fiber
5.Your impression & future plan: I am deeply honored to receive this prestigious award. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to Professor Takahashi for his continuous contributions and everything, as well as to all laboratory members. With the booming development of artificial intelligence, electrification and sharing economy, innovative material is expected widespread to adapt to modern society and sustainable development. I will keep devoting myself to research activities related to the implementation of innovative composite material that conform to new needs of future society.