【Important】Information regarding Novel Coronavirus

【Important】Information regarding Novel Coronavirus U Tokyo Portal https://www.ut-portal.u-tokyo.ac.jp/notice/index.php?q=31909 January 29, 2020 UPDATE February 13, 2020 To all members of UTokyo     Division for Health Service Promotion Information regarding Novel Coronavirus(Important) Following the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus in China, there have been cases of people being diagnosed with the same virus outside China and therefore, it can be said that the virus is spreading. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has set the warning level to “Level 3 – Do not travel (Recommend cancellation of travel)” to the whole of the Hubei Province. Furthermore, the Japanese Government has declared the pneumonia caused as a result of the Novel Coronavirus as a “designated infectious disease” on the basis of the Infectious Disease Law. Therefore, the Division for Health Service Promotion has issued an alert and request to all members as follows. We ask all employees to take appropriate measures with good, common sense. [Travelling to foreign countries] Please do not travel to Hubei Province in China. Furthermore, please do not travel to places other than Hubei Province in China,if possible. In addition, please consider measures such as a gargling, washing of hands, wearing of masks, avoiding crowded areas when traveling to countries other than China where infection has been already reported to. Also, please try to obtain the latest information for that region before you travel. [Precautions in Japan] As there are a large number of tourists from the foreign countries in Japan, it is necessary to take precautions. Please make sure to obtain appropriate information and calmly take action. In addition, please consider measures such as a gargling, washing of hands, wearing of masks, avoiding crowded areas when you go out. [Returning to Japan from China] *This is a temporary translation. Should you return to Japan from China, please refer to “Flow chart for members (Students / Faculty and staff) returning from China”. Please Contact the office of your department first. In addition, please report of your health condition at the time of returning, especially if you have a fever of 37.5 degrees or higher and respiratory symptoms. ※ Should you feel ill and consider it as a result related to this or if you have questions, please refer the website of Division for Health Service Promotion (http://www.hc.u-Tokyo.ac.jp/en). Division for Health Service Promotion (Health Service Center) Hongo Health Service Center 03-5841-2579 Komaba Health Service Center 03-5454-6180 Kashiwa Health Service Center 04-7136-3040 < More information > *This is a temporary translation. ○ Office for Pandemic Influenza and New Infection Diseases Preparedness and Response, Cabitnet Secretariat/About Novel Coronavirus infectious disease (in Japanese) http://www.cas.go.jp/jp/influenza/novel_coronavirus.html ○ Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare/About Novel Coronavirus infectious disease https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/0000164708_00001.html ◎ Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare/Q&A site about Novel Coronavirus infectious disease (2020 February 16 edition) https://www.mhlw.go.jp/stf/seisakunitsuite/bunya/kenkou_iryou/dengue_fever_qa_00001.html ○ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan/Danger / Spot / Wide area information – China (in Japanese) https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/info/pcinfectionspothazardinfo_009.html#ad-image-0 ◎ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan/Please consider returning to China early or postponing your travel to China as soon as possible (in Japanese) https://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/info/pcspotinfo_2020C027.html ○ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/About Novel Coronavirus infectious disease (in Japanese) https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/coronavirus/index.html ◎ Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology/For Japanese students studying in China (updated February 12) (in Japanese) https://www.mext.go.jp/a_menu/koutou/ryugaku/1405561_00001.htm ○ The University of Tokyo Health Service Center/Novel Coronavirus related illness (COVID-19) http://www.hc.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/2019ncov/ ○ UTokyo Portal > Manuals (in Japanese) https://bit.ly/319Kw1x Flow chart for members (Students Faculty and staff) returning from China   U Tokyo Portal https://www.ut-portal.u-tokyo.ac.jp/notice/index.php?q=31909  

【Important】Application for Certificate of Completion and Academic Transcript( To Graduating students)

P.S. To International Students: You must apply if you want certificates written in English by February 28 at the Student Affairs Group, Student Support Team at Engineering Bldg. No. 8. (The submission is also Bldg. No.8.)
“Application for Certificate of Completion and Academic Transcript” To:Students expected to complete Master’s or Doctoral, or Professional graduate courses on March 23, 2020 The following certificates (one copy each) can be received automatically at the completion ceremony of our department. If you want additional certificates, (or certificates written in English) please apply by February 28. If you do not apply in advance it will take a lot of time to receive extras. Application forms are available at the Web site and the Student Affairs Group, Student Support Team at Engineering Bldg. No. 8. (The submission is also Bldg. No.8.)   Master’s course students (Blue form) http://bps.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyoumu1/gakusei/info-Blue.pdf Doctoral course students (Pink form) http://bps.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/kyoumu1/gakusei/info-Pink.pdf Please refer to : 各証明書の交付について_20200323 Please Note; ▼The certificate you will receive automatically at the completion ceremony of our department is in Japanese and 1 copy only. ▼If you want additional certificates, (or certificates written in English) please apply by February 28. Apply to the Student Affairs Group, Student Support Team at Engineering Bldg. No. 8. (The submission is also Bldg. No.8.) ▼We can’t issue “Certificate of Completion” before the graduation day. ▼We issue “Certificate of Expected Completion” instead before the graduation day. ▼You can issue the “Certificate of Completion” on the graduation day at the issuing machine in building No.8 with your student ID card but congestion is expected. ▼You have to return your student ID card at the completion ceremony of our department. ( at Takeda Hall) ▼You can’t use the issuing machine very next day of the completion day as you don’t have student ID any more.

Ambassador of Monaco visited our department.

On 5th November 2019, Mr. Patrick MEDUSIN (Ambassador of Monaco to Japan) and Ms. Noriko KATAYANAGI (Japan diplomatic assistant, Prince’s Palace of Monaco) visited Professor Hideaki MURAYAMA* and Lecturer Ryota WADA** and exchange information about our “Solar boat Project” and Monaco Solar & Energy Boat Challenge.   Department of Systems Innovation and Department of Ocean Technology, Policy and Environment has a collaborating lecture called “Solar Boat Project” which Professor Murayama in charge of. For a Sustainable Low-Carbon Society, in this lecture, students are aiming to design an original solar boat and participate in “Crewless Solar Boat Competition in Lake Biwa”.   Solar & Energy Boat Challenge, Monaco is a very active country for CO2 reduction and marine protection and they are passionate about “innovation” and “sustainability” with the goal of developing new energy sources and reducing greenhouse gas emissions to 50% of 1990 by 2030 and becoming carbon neutral by 2050.       The Solar & Energy Boat Challenge, Monaco is a wonderful event that combines innovation and sustainability Contributing to future energy development. In the near future, we hope the University of Tokyo team led by Prof. Murayama will participate in this The Solar & Energy Boat Challenge, Monaco and appeal the potential of solar boats as a global warming countermeasure to people all over the world. Solar & Energy Boat Challenge https://mcsebc.org/ Monaco Tourist Authority https://www.visitmonaco.com/ Yacht Club de Monaco https://www.yacht-club-monaco.mc/en/home-en/ Crewless Solar Boat Competition in Lake Biwa https://solar.shiga-saku.net/ * Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment Graduate School / Department of Systems Innovation, School of Engineering / PSI Couse, Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering ** Department of Ocean Technology, Policy, and Environment Graduate School / E&E Course, Systems Innovation, Faculty of Engineering. The Solar Boat Project is a joint lecture between the Department of Systems Innovation and the Department of Marine Technology and Environment. For inquiries, please contact Prof. Murayama from here.  

【lecture】Japanese Language Class

Japanese Language Class in Special Program for Systems Innovation システム創成系日本語教室 Applicants: Foreign students and researchers, who are assigned to the departments of Systems Innovation and Nuclear Engineering and Management and their spouses.
Beginners Course 2019.9.25 – 2020.3.19 Beginners Course I (Introductory level) 2019.9.25 – 2020.1.16 Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30–12:10 Beginners Course II (Upper beginners level) 2020.1.23 – 2020.3.19 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30–12:10 Intermediate Course II 2019.9.24 –2020.3.17 2019.9.24 – 2020.1.7 Tuesday 9:00–12:10 2020.1.14 – 2020.3.17 Tuesday 13:30–16:40 Please visit our website for details. http://seraph.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/nihongo/index.html
Japanese Class 2019A(PDF)

【Press Releases】Ruthenium-catalysed oxidative conversion of ammonia into dinitrogen:Associate Professor Kazunari Nakajima, Frontier Research Center for Energy and Resources, Hiroki Toda (D1) and Professor Yoshiaki Nishibayashi, Department of Systems Innovation, and other researchers.

Ruthenium-catalysed oxidative conversion of ammonia into dinitrogen:Associate Professor Kazunari Nakajima, Frontier Research Center for Energy and Resources, Hiroki Toda (D1) and Professor Yoshiaki Nishibayashi, Department of Systems Innovation, and other researchers. Conversion of ammonia into dinitrogen has attracted broad scientific interest in relation to molecular models of the heterogeneous nitrogen fixation process, environmental treatment for denitrification and utilization of ammonia as an energy carrier. Here we show that some ruthenium complexes bearing 2,2′-bipyridyl-6,6′-dicarboxylate ligands work as catalysts for the ammonia oxidation reaction. Production of dinitrogen is observed when ammonium salts are treated with a triarylaminium radical as an oxidant and 2,4,6-collidine as a base in the presence of the ruthenium catalysts. Based on the characterization of some intermediates, we propose a reaction pathway via a bimetallic nitride–nitride coupling process. The proposed reaction pathway is supported by density functional theory calculations. Further investigation of the ammonia oxidation reaction under the electrochemical conditions revealed that the ruthenium complex works as a new anode catalyst for ammonia oxidation.       References: School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo https://www.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/soee/press/setnws_201907251112498019862589.html Nature Chemistry: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41557-019-0293-y Nature Research Chemistry Community: https://chemistrycommunity.nature.com/users/265564-yoshiaki-nishibayashi/posts/51239-for-nature-research-chemistry-communit    

Prof. Tayfun Tezduyar has departed from our department

Professor Tezduyar has been working as a Professor of Systems Innovation from 1st April to 30th June 2017. During this period, he has provided us much intellectual stimulation through a lecture series, advice to young researchers and students, and collaboration with faculty members. His last seminar as a professor of the department and a farewell party were held on 30th June.

Prof. Tayfun Tezduyar joined as an invited professor

Prof. Tayfun Tezduyar joined the Department of Systems Innovation as an invited professor. He is known as a leading researcher in the field of large-scale computational mechanics. He teaches a lecture series on advanced computational mechanics with Prof. Yoshimura, Prof. Yamada and Prof. Mitsume in the S1S2 semester 2017.