期間:2023年12月28日(木) – 2024年1月3日(水)
12月27日(水)は17:00 に閉室予定です。
新年は1月4日(木)9:00 に開室予定です。
期間:2023年12月28日(木) – 2024年1月3日(水)
12月27日(水)は17:00 に閉室予定です。
新年は1月4日(木)9:00 に開室予定です。
1. 氏名
2. 学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等と学年
3. 受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明
4. 受賞された研究・活動について
5. 今後の抱負・感想等
【Awards and Commendations】 Tomoya Kawasaki received Best Paper Award of Japan Logistics Society at Japan Logistics Society.
1. Name
Tomoya Kawasaki
2. Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation
3. Name of award and short explanation about the award
Japan Logistics Society (JLS) consists of 464 academics and practitioners from the fields of commerce, economics, and engineering. This award is given for one of the members of JLS who published the most outstanding paper for establishing academics of the logistics study. In this year, our paper entitled “An empirical analysis on the Japanese regional container port policy focusing port incentive-subsidies” published in the Journal of JLS is awarded as the best paper of the year.
4. About awarded research
The awarded paper conducts an empirical analysis of the effect of port incentive-subsidies provided for shippers and/or shipping lines using various data of Japanese container ports. In this paper, we identified the amount of incentive-subsidies has no significant impact on container volume handled in the local ports and its feeder routes.
5. Your impression & future plan
In this paper, we address the impact of incentive-subsidies on container volume at the port but also detail analysis on feeder shipping route. This is one of the original and prominent points of our paper and is highly evaluated by the JLS committee members. I consider that it is important to discuss port policy from the viewpoint of value-added trade (i.e. value chain) and fostering export industries. We would like to pursue ideal logistics systems for our society considering these points in my laboratory.