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Design of Advanced Knowledge
The consumption of seafood is increasing all over the world. On the other hand, the production of seafood continues declining in Japan. For effective and sustainable marine food production, an aquaculture system at exposed seas and an automated net-hauling system for set net fishery are being developed aiming at energy-saving, labor-saving, and cost-saving.
Japan has large potential of renewable energy in the Exclusive Economic Zone. For example, the performance of a motion-controlled ship with wave energy harvester is evaluated by water tank and field tests. The collision risk of marine animals to the rotating turbines is examined by water tank test. Through these studies, new systems of utilizing marine renewable energy are developed in harmony with marine environment.
A wide variety of environmental problems arises in lakes and coastal area all over the world. A hydrodynamic and ecosystem coupled model is developed to understand the physical, chemical, and biological processes in aquatic environment. The effects of artificial marine structures, eutrophication, and climate change on the ecosystem are examined by the numerical simulation. The measures to these problems are proposed and their effects are predicted by numerical simulation.