◆Information on Regular Admission▶Regular Admission


For inquiries, please use the form bellow.

Department Office of Systems Innovation

7-3-1 Hongo Bunkyo-ku 113-8656 Tokyo, Japan
Tel: +81-3-5841-6533 Fax: +81-3-5841-0652
Opening hour: 9:00-17:00(Weekdays)




* The Systems Innovation office desks shown in green below.

Department of Systems Innovations,School of Engineering,the Univ. of Tokyo

Name Essential
Mail address Essential
※ Please enter an email address that is not restricted for reception.
Example: M1 Department of Systems Innovation,
Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Contents of inquiry Essential

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Information filled in the form shall be used only for responding to clients and managed appropriately. Personal information shall not be provided or disclosed to any third party without the Person’s consent except for the cases falling under exceptions defined in the Personal Information Protection Law.
