◆Office will be closed for Summer Break ◆Information on Regular Admission▶Regular Admission


Admission Information for International Students

The Department of Systems Innovation offers advanced study and research opportunities to international students. Master’s and Doctoral courses will lead to the corresponding degrees respectively in two years and three years. Lectures and instructions for research are given generally in English. Japanese language courses are optionally available.

There are several types of application procedures for the graduate programs in the Department of Systems Innovation. You can see brief information of each procedure in this page.

Regular Admission

Entrance Examination

There is an entrance exam at the end of August. (The application period is around the beginning of July.) The examination is given in either Japanese or English. Successful applicants may enroll in the department in September of the same year or in April of the following year.
Applicants must submit an application form and required documents with an examination fee to the office of Graduate School of Engineering. Useful information about the regular admission process is available on the following web page.

Admissions Information for Graduate School, School of Engineering

Postgraduate International Research Student (Non Degree Program)

One of the reasons for international students to become a post graduate international research student is to prepare for an entrance examination for the master/doctoral course. Those who wish to enter the department as a graduate research student must first apply to the Office of International Students (OIS). For the detailed information please see the following web page.

Application for Graduate Research Students

Special Admission

Special Graduate Program

The Special Graduate Program was established to provide advanced education to promising, qualified students from all around the world.  Applicants must apply for the program through “T-cens” online application system, and receive the primary evaluation based on academic qualification, which does not require applicants to come to Japan to take an entrance examination.

The Graduate School of Engineering will recommend a few selected students who demonstrate outstanding merit to the scholarship sponsors.

The website below provides the instruction of how to apply.

Special Graduate Program in Resilience Engineering

Chinese Scholarship Council (国家建設高水平公派研究生項目)

Please read the eligibility section of the guideline from the following website first.

If you are eligible and intend to apply for the program, we strongly recommend that you first contact your prospective supervisor.
For more information, please check the website below:

Chinese Scholarship Council

MEXT Scholarship by Embassy Recommendation

The Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) offers scholarships for international students by embassy recommendation. Those who wish to apply for this program should contact the Japanese embassy in your country and submit an application form and required documents to the embassy. Those who pass the preliminary selection by the embassy, please check the next process at our school in the following web page.

MEXT scholarship by embassy recommendation

