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Faculty member

藤井 秀樹

Socioeconomic System

FUJII Hideki

Assoc. Prof.
Department of Systems Innovation,Faculty of Engineering,The University of Tokyo
Social Simulation, Complex System, Human Modelling, High Performance Computing, Design Support
fujii(at)sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp※Please replace (at) with @ and send mail.

Understanding and designing social systems

Understanding and designing social systems

Understanding and designing social systems

Understanding and designing social systems

Modelling of Complex Social System

Understanding and predicting the states of societies from the view point of engineering are getting more important in the present day when technologies are deeply embedded in societies and natural phenomena are strongly related to societies. In order to reproduce social phenomena by computer simulation, it is not enough to research and develop highly detailed models. It is necessary to find out the essence of social systems and to implement it appropriately on a computer. As a specific research target, we are working to develop new models of urban dynamics and transportation systems.

Simulation-aided Decision Making

Social issues involve many stakeholders, including the general public. We try to use social simulations to support their decisions-making process. In order to tackle large-scale social issues, high-speed computers and high-performance computing technologies are essential. As an example, we are developing a large-scale traffic flow simulator, named "ADVENTURE_Mates" employing a multi-agent system. We quantitatively evaluate the effect of ride share services, public transport promotion policies, and the environmental impact of vehicles using ADVENTURE_Mates as a platform.

Advanced Design for Human-artifact System

Artifacts designed by humans never perform their original functions until they are used in the environment by humans. Considering the interaction between artifacts and the human system can lead a better artifact design. We research and develop advanced design support technology with making full use of artificial intelligence, evolutionary computing, network analysis and other methods.

Faculty member
