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Faculty member

福井 勝則

Global Circulation System

FUKUI Katsunori

Department of Systems Innovation,Faculty of Engineering,The University of Tokyo
Mining System, Geosystem, Seafloor Hydrothermal Deposits, Safe and Reliable Society
fukui(at)sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp※Please replace (at) with @ and send mail.

Mining System, Mining Machinery, Rock Mechanics

Mining System, Mining Machinery, Rock Mechanics

Mining System, Mining Machinery, Rock Mechanics

Systems Innovation Engineering of Resources Development under Extreme Environment

Projects such as the development of submarine hydrothermal deposits and high-level radioactive waste geological disposal are underway as geosphere development in extreme environments (deep sea, ultra-deep underground). For example, in the development of submarine hydrothermal deposits, we are investigating optimal development systems (such as excavation machine selection and pumping systems).

Increasing efficiency of geosphere development considering economy

 In order to improve efficiency, various elemental technologies (excavation and support of rock) have been developed and systematized.

Preservation of the Environment for Safe and Secure Society

The systems that catches the precursory phenomenon of rock mass failure and notifies the failure are developing. We are studying measures for environmental conservation (slope collapse, water quality deterioration, landscape considerations, etc.) at mining sites.

I am worried that there are more passive students. I would like you to think, practice and challenge yourself even if you make a mistake.

Faculty member
