

Faculty member

小林 肇

Global Circulation System


Assoc. Prof.
Department of Systems Innovation,Faculty of Engineering,The University of Tokyo
Frontier Research Center for Energy and Resources School of Engineering,The University of Tokyo
Energy conversion, low carbon, environmental harmony, microbial engineering, symbiosis
kobayashi(at)frcer.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp※Please replace (at) with @ and send mail.

Energy Conversion/Generation by using Microbial Symbiosis

Energy Conversion/Generation by using Microbial Symbiosis

Energy Conversion/Generation by using Microbial Symbiosis

Technological application of microbial symbiotic systems

Organisms are mediating highly-sophisticated energy conversion via symbiotic interactions with others (other organisms or natural/artificial environments) . In our lab, we are developing new biotechnologies particularly for the energy and resources field by using microbial symbiotic systems. Recently, we are mainly studying subsurface microorganisms collected from subsurface environments for applications in industrial processes including energy conversion.

Bioenergy production by bio-electrochemical systems

Bio-electrochemical systems (BESs), such as microbial fuel cells, microbial electrolysis and microbial electrosynthesis, are promising biotechnological systems towards carbon/energy conversion and water treatment. Our lab are studying on various BESs with particular focus on "electromethanogenesis", which use electrochemically active microorganisms as catalysts to produce methane from carbon dioxide at solid-electrodes (so called "biocathodes"). Ultimately, we are aiming to develop electromethanogenesis as a key technology for carbon dioxide utilization as well as integration of variable renewable energy (Bio Power-to-Gas).

Environmental technologies for natural resources development

In an aim to support sustainable development of natural resources, we are developing new technologies for water treatment, enhanced oil recovery, monitoring and understanding of subsurface fluid flow.

Faculty member
