

Faculty member

鈴木 英之

Networking for Artifact

SUZUKI Hideyuki

Department of Systems Innovation,Faculty of Engineering,The University of Tokyo
ocean renewable energy, floating offshore wind turbine, resource and energy development, ocean space utilization, CO2 ocean storage
suzukih(at)sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp※Please replace (at) with @ and send mail.

Pioneering the horizon of ocean technology for a sustainable society

Pioneering the horizon of ocean technology for a sustainable society

Pioneering the horizon of ocean technology for a sustainable society

Pioneering the horizon of ocean technology for a sustainable society

Ocean renewable energy development

In order to realize a sustainable society minimizing carbon dioxide emissions, researches focusing on the development of ocean renewable energy such as wind, ocean current/tidal current, waves, solar, and ocean thermal energy are conducted. Utilization systems and response/risk analysis methods from the viewpoints of technical feasibility, safety, and economic efficiency are studied. In particular, regarding floating offshore wind energy development, we are participating in Japanese national projects in which our research results are put into practice. This is an area where international competition is taking place.

Development system of ocean resource and energy

Development of oil & gas and mineral resources is critically important for supporting economic activity in Japan. Systems for production of offshore oil & gas and development of deep seafloor mineral resources are investigated. In addition, researches are conducted toward the utilization of promising potential of huge sea areas spreading in Japan's Exclusive Economic Zone for such as methane hydrate development, CO2 storage below seafloor as a measure against global warming, and deployment of logistics and stockpiling facilities in the ocean space.

It is critically important to build a sustainable society for humankind to survive and prosper in the next centuries using resources and energy. Challenges of young generation are essential for building a new way of life.

Faculty member
