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Faculty member

柴田 和也

Networking for Artifact


Assoc. Prof.
Department of Systems Innovation,Faculty of Engineering,The University of Tokyo
Fluid Simulation, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Disaster prevention and mitigation, explanation of phenomena, optimization
shibata.kazuya(at)sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp※Please replace (at) with @ and send mail.

Systems innovation using physical simulation

Systems innovation using physical simulation

Systems innovation using physical simulation

Phenomena clarification, system development and design optimization concerning fluid

 There are many fluid phenomena whose details are not unveiled yet. We clarify these phenomena, develop new system and optimize product designs on the basis of fluid simulation. We mainly simulate liquid behavior by particle methods, such as the moving particle semi-implicit method (MPS) or smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) for fluid simulation. We also develop new simulation techniques for solving complex phenomena. 

Study on disaster prevention and mitigation

 By the Great East Japan Earthquake, the importance of disaster prevention and mitigation are recognized well. We simulate and analyze tsunami behavior around coasts. We contributes to disaster prevention and mitigation by numerical simulation of fluid. 

Study on ship and offshore structure safety

 We have developed technologies to numerically simulate ship motion and impact force acting on a ship hull in rough seas. Our research contributes to the safety of ship and offshore structures. 

Our research area includes development of software which uses fluid simulation and works on personal computers or gadgets (e.g. tablets or smartphones). Let’s make a good use of simulation and develop various new systems!

Faculty member
