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Campus life guide

Use of Bicycles and Motorcycles on the Hongo Campus

The campus-wide registration system for bicycles and motorcycles was implemented on the Hongo Campus (including Asano Campus and Yayoi Campus) in AY 2007, for the purpose of achieving a safe environment for pedestrians as well as managing the efficient organization of bicycles and motorcycles. The collection of vehicle registration fees began later in AY 2009. Those who wish to commute with bicycles or motorcycles must apply for a permit and also display their permits on their bicycles and/or motorcycles, obey all traffic rules, and park their vehicles in the designated spaces. As a general rule, those who do not meet the application qualifications are not permitted to park on campus.

See Use of Bicycles and Motorcycles on the Hongo Campus (PDF) and Application Process (PDF)

Application form is averrable at University CO-OP (2nd Purchasing Dept.,) or the Department Office.

Bicycles without crime prevention registration will not be issued a permit so please pay the crime prevention registration fee at the University CO-OP (2nd Purchasing Dept., ) before apply for the permit.

CO-OP (2nd Purchasing Dept.,)
Map https://goo.gl/maps/gAVXLoyNRrMzR72s7

  • Registration Fee for “Crime prevention registration” :660Yen
  • Registration Fee “Parking permit”: 1,000yen/students, 2,500yen/non students


Finance Division Facility Management Team
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Campus life guide
