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Campus life guide

Certificate Issuance Procedures

Certificate Issuance Procedures
*Please inquire about other certificates at the Office of Academic Affairs/Student Support Team.

Contact Address:
The University of Tokyo
School of Engineering
Academic Affairs Department/Student Support Team
Tokyo, Bunkyo, Hongo 7-3-1

Contact for inquiries related to certificate issuance:
Academic Affairs Department/Student Support Team
*The @ in the e-mail address is written as [at]. Please rewrite it when sending an e-mail.

※Note for certificate of completion

  • Certificate of completion cannot be issued before the day of Commencement ceremony.
  • Certificate of completion can be issued from the morning of the day of  Commencement ceremony at the automatic issuing machine, but a student ID card is required. Long queue is expected on this day.
  • After you returned your student ID at Commencement ceremony, you cannot use automatic issuing machine. Please ask for the postal application as alumni.
  • Certificate of completion (Japanese) and transcript (Japanese) will be distributed one by one on the day of Commencement ceremony. If you need more than one certificate, or if you need an English certificate, please apply using the "Additional certificate issuance application form" by the end of February (end of August for students who graduated in September). Details on this will be posted on the portal site around the end of January(end of July for students who graduated in September). 

※Student ID cards will be collected at Commencement ceremony. If you would like to issue a certificate with an issuing machine after Commencement ceremony, please ask the Department office of Systems Innovation.

■Student Certificate for Student discount commuter pass: (1) Simple round trip pass (Home ⇔ Hongo Campus) : Department Office of Systems Innovation at Eng., Bldg., No3
(2) Other passes such as multiple trip pass (Home <=> Hongo Campus <=> Kashiwa Campus): Academic Affairs Department at Building No.8

■JEES “Gakkensai” Insurance (Personal accident Insurance for students pursuing education and research): Academic Affairs Department at Building No.8

Campus life guide
