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Awards and Commendations

【Awards and Commendations】Masanori HIRANO (D2, Izumi lab), Department of Systems Innovation, received Best Paper Award in IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2022


On 05/07/2022, Masanori HIRANO (D2, Izumi lab), Department of Systems Innovation, received Best Paper Award in IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2022

〈Name of award and short explanation about the award〉

Best Paper Award in IIAI International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics 2022


〈About awarded research〉

Analysis of Demand Response Scenarios by Industrial Consumers Using
Artificial Electric Power Market Simulations
In this study, we focused on the actual electricity usage in a Japanese factory and analyzed the effect of demand response.
Demand response is not only a solution for tight supply-demand balance but also beneficial for CO2 and cost reduction.
Therefore, we utilized multi-agent simulations for this analysis and get some suggestions for applying demand response for the real electricity usages.


〈Your impression & future plan〉

I want to thank Mr. Wakasugi, one of the co-author, for his great
contribution to this paper. I couldn't get this award without his contribution. Moreover, I'll keep doing my best.

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