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Japanese Language Class in Special Program for Systems Innovation


Japanese Language Class in Special Program for Systems Innovation
2021 A2 Term course (Online Course) Beginners Course Ⅰ-2

Course Period:
November 29, 2021-January 24, 2022
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30-12:10

1) Foreign students and researchers, who are assigned to the departments of Systems Innovation and Nuclear Engineering and Management and their spouses
2) Those who have learned hiragana, katakana and introductory level of grammar


*Please refer to the website and contact the Japanese Language Class by email.
 Website: http//seraph.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/nihongo/index.html
 Contact: Japanese Language Class in Special Program for Systems Innovation
 ✉ sysnihongo(at)sys.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp  Please replace (at) with @ and send mail.

*You can join the class anytime. 


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