【Awards and Commendations】CAO Jinrong (D2) won “Best Poster” Award of the 20th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling (PetroPhase 2019)

1.Name:CAO Jinrong
2.Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major
School of Engineering, Department of Systems Innovation, D2
3.Name of award and short explanation about the award Best Poster Award of the 20th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling (PetroPhase 2019). It is an award to honor outstanding student poster presentations.
The 20th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling (PetroPhase 2019) http://www2.issjp.com/petrophase2019/index.html 4.About awarded research Poster Title: Molecular Simulation of Methane and Methane/Ethane Mixture Adsorption Behavior in Kerogen Nanopores Authors:Jinrong Cao, Yunfeng Liang, Yoshihiro Masuda, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Kohei Tamura, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Sunao Takagi 5.Your impression & future plan
It is a great honor to receive the Best Poster Award in PetroPhase 2019. I will do my best in the future with the encouragement of this award. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to my supervisors, Masuda-sensei and Liang-sensei, and co-authors.
 1.氏名:曹金栄 2.学部・研究科、学科(類・課程)・専攻等 と 学年 工学系研究科システム創成学専攻博士課程2年生 3.受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明 Best Poster賞は, The 20th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling (PetroPhase 2019) において、優れた学生ポスター発表を顕彰する賞です。 The 20th International Conference on Petroleum Phase Behavior and Fouling (PetroPhase 2019)
http://www2.issjp.com/petrophase2019/index.html 4.受賞された研究・活動について タイトル: Molecular Simulation of Methane and Methane/Ethane Mixture Adsorption Behavior in Kerogen Nanopores 著者:Jinrong Cao, Yunfeng Liang, Yoshihiro Masuda, Toshifumi Matsuoka, Kohei Tamura, Hiroyuki Tanaka, Sunao Takagi 5.今後の抱負・感想等 今回、PetroPhase 2019という大きな国際会議に採択されるだけでなく、Best Posterの賞までいただけたのは非常に光栄です。様々な分野の研究者の方々が集まる中で、高い評価を頂けたことは大きな自信となりました。今回の結果を励みに今後も研究に邁進していく所存です。 先生達、共同研究者の皆さんとの活発な研究討議なくして、本賞の受賞はありませんでした。この場を借りて謝意を表したいと思います。