
Department of Systems Innovation,School of Engineering,
The University of Tokyo


◆大学院入試について◆ 入試説明会を4月26日、5月25日に開催します。




【受賞/表彰等】高橋研究室の瀋顧韜、厳思信、王越、佟驍航、森島拓生が2020年度「IHI/SAMPE Japan 学生ブリッジコンテスト(IHI杯)」で優勝しました。


【受賞/表彰等】高橋研究室の瀋顧韜、厳思信、王越、佟驍航、森島拓生が2020年度「IHI/SAMPE Japan 学生ブリッジコンテスト(IHI杯)」で優勝しました。


1.⽒名:   瀋 顧韜、厳 思信、王 越、佟 驍航、森島 拓生

2.研究科、専攻等と学年: システム創成学専攻・修士2年・修士1年・学部4年

3.受賞した賞の名称と簡単な説明: 2020年度「IHI/SAMPE Japan 学生ブリッジコンテスト(IHI杯)」優勝(世界大会への出場権獲得)

4.受賞された研究・活動について: 規定荷重に耐える最も軽量なCFRPブリッジの作成.

5.今後の抱負・感想等: この度、このような賞をいただき大変光栄に思います。今回の受賞にあたり開催、運営を行ってくださった方々、また様々なサポートをしてくださった研究室の方々に深く感謝いたします。今後は、来年アメリカで予定されている世界大会に向けてさらに設計と成形技術に磨きをかけ、チーム一丸となってたたかい、世界大会でトップ3位に入りたいと思います。引き続き応援どうぞよろしくお願いいたします。ありがとうございました。

【Awards and Commendations】Gutao Shen, Sixin Yan, Yue Wang, Xiaohang Tong, and Takumi Morishima (M2/M1/B4, Takahashi lab.) received Best Bridge Award (First Price of Category B) of 2020 IHI/SAMPE Japan Student Bridge Contest

1.Name: Gutao Shen, Sixin Yan, Yue Wang, Xiaohang Tong, and Takumi Morishima

2.Faculty/Graduate School, Department (Stream / Program) / Major: Department of Systems Innovation, M2/M1/B4

3.Name of award and short explanation about the award:Best Bridge Award (First Price of Category B) of 2020 IHI/SAMPE Japan Student Bridge Contest

4.About awarded research: Using carbon fiber composite materials to build the lightest bridge with a certain load-carrying capacity.

5.Your impression & future plan: It is with great privilege and honor that we have received the award twice with our delicate optimization and full preparations since last year. And at the same time, we also want to congratulate the IHI Corporation and The Society for the Advancement of Material and Process Engineering (SAMPE), and Takahashi Lab of the University of Tokyo for their great work of organizing and making this event possible. Furthermore, we must express our sincere gratitude in particular to our supervisors Prof. Takahashi and Dr. Ice, as well as all the lab members who have provided us with enormous help from many perspectives. In the near future, the world tournament of this contest will be held in the U.S.A. in 2021, and our team share a common goal of ranking top 3 in the world final. For achieving this ambition, not only shall we continuously improve our skills in design and fabrication, but also the power from every each one of you who support us is indispensable. We again truly appreciate for the help and support from you that encourage us to move forward.

